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Tried to advertise on topic [/move_group/filtered_cloud] with md5sum and datatype [sensor_msgs/Image], but the topic is already advertised as md5sum and datatype [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]

by 정_나우 2023. 6. 23.

1. 문제


Moveit assistant로 매니퓰레이터를 만든 다음

demo.launch로 파일을 실행하니 rviz 화면은 켜지는데 제목과 같은 오류 메시지가 나타났습니다.


2. 해결

인터넷을 뒤지다가 중국사이트를 참고해서 해결했습니다.



config폴더에 sensors_3d.yaml 파일에 들어가서

두번째 filtered_cloud_topic의 이름을 filtered_cloud에서 filtered_cloud_image로 바꿔주면 됩니다.

# The name of this file shouldn't be changed, or else the Setup Assistant won't detect it
  - filtered_cloud_topic: filtered_cloud
    max_range: 5.0
    max_update_rate: 1.0
    padding_offset: 0.1
    padding_scale: 1.0
    point_cloud_topic: /head_mount_kinect/depth_registered/points
    point_subsample: 1
    sensor_plugin: occupancy_map_monitor/PointCloudOctomapUpdater
  - far_clipping_plane_distance: 5.0
    filtered_cloud_topic: filtered_cloud_image
    image_topic: /head_mount_kinect/depth_registered/image_raw
    max_range: 5.0
    max_update_rate: 1.0
    near_clipping_plane_distance: 0.3
    padding_offset: 0.03
    padding_scale: 4.0
    point_cloud_topic: /head_mount_kinect/depth_registered/points
    point_subsample: 1
    queue_size: 5
    sensor_plugin: occupancy_map_monitor/DepthImageOctomapUpdater
    shadow_threshold: 0.2


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